Everything about this game improves upon its predecessor, and with the majority of negatives out of the way players can now truly enjoy its advanced virtual pet-like formula. And, as it turns out, that's a chance worth giving. In the same year, its follow-up The Sims 3 Pets approaches jaded fans like a cat that's just scratched you asking for a second chance. Myriad bugs and a thin selection of activities mired an experience that a clunky interface already made feel like a chore. The obvious rush job felt like a cynical slap to the face, EA having sped the title to store shelves in a direly unfinished state.
Porting life management simulator The Sims to handhelds has proven a mixed experience with more missteps than successes, but when The Sims 3 debuted as a 3DS launch title the series hit one of its lowest lows to date.